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License relocation

To relocate a license we need to know your new hardware key. To get this key, please proceed as follows:

Send us the hardware key of the new PC together with the affected license key via the license transfer option at

In order to display the hardware key of the new PC, no license must be stored there.

Install netScope and start it on the target system.

Remove license

If you have already activated a license on this PC, remove the license as follows. Click Help, Current License, in the new window click Delete.

Show new Hardware Key

In the activation window, click Activate manually, the window that appears will show the hardware key.

Send new hardware key to Net-Base

Go to Activate manually in the portal

there enter the affected license key and the new hardware key, after that click activate key, you should be informed that the key is already activated.

The license will become invalid on the previous system!

Activate license relocation and confirm with Activate key.

You will be informed as soon as we have made the change and you can use the license with the new hardware.